Become an entrepreneur in Halli

There are already over 1,500 companies operating in Jämsä. Tourism and travel-related services in particular are growing, and it is no wonder, as the Himos area has grown into the most significant year-round tourist center in southern Finland. Jämsän Yrityspalvelut (Jämsä Business Services) helps local entrepreneurs with, among other things, business development and financing. If you need help, leave a contact request to Jämsä Business Services.

Learn more about Jämsä Business Services

Become an entrepreneur in Halli

Jenni Kunnas has founded her café and boutique hotel in Halli. The entrepreneur believes that Halli’s vitality is growing. “When you look at the map of Finland, you notice that Halli is conveniently located in the middle of the most beautiful Finnish Lakeland. The busy National Road 9 or Ysitie, as locals call it, runs right next to it. To me, this tells all about Halli’s potential. Halli is greater than it looks. That’s why I decided to invest in it as an entrepreneur.”


Learn Jenni´s story

Fall in love with Halli

We call Halli a world class village and we are not exaggerating. We have employers from a global major industries and services better than just in a rural village. Let Halli charm you!

Fall n love with Halli